Monday, January 16, 2012

In Times of Turmoil.... (PART I)

                                            Picture Courtesy of: McClatchy Newspapers
In times of turmoil is when poor decisions are made, is exactly when out of desperation a person, without the right tools or knowledge ends up getting into all different kind of messy situations that are hard to get out of, and I’m talking about economic decisions, commercial moves that need to be taken and done with a cool head. That is what I’m seeing a lot in our current environment and I try to advise people about the risks involved by investing into something for them unknown or something that from my trader and commercial investment realtor point of view does not make sense; take “Stanford” for example, I have personal friends and customers that invested heavily with his firm just because they were offered a steady 15% return and we all know how it ended up. 
   Picture Courtesy of Scott Olson/Getty Images
Obviously the amount of capital and disposable cash that any given person might have available for any given investment is a determining factor directly related to the amount of courage he or she might display at the moment of making a financial decision, and I’m talking here about those people that even though they have a large amount of cash not necessarily means that they have financial education and if they get it right, out of pure sheer luck, they look good and get the admiration of others, they are then called all sort of names such as “ballsy”, “risk taker”, “financial wiz” and so on, and if they don’t get it right then they really don’t get affected much since most likely, that loss will be written off their taxes at the end of the year.
But for the majority of folks out there, that are the average “Joe” with limited supply of cash but enough to get themselves into a mess, there is not room for error, no mercy if they mess up, so getting financial education is crucial, and I am not suggesting that everyone should become a trader or read a ton of books about trading the markets, but do a little research about safe heaven investments where money can be “parked” for a while until we get to see clear skies one more time. Here in Miami, from where I am blogging and where I have lived for the past two decades, the economical climate is somehow different thanks to foreign investments pouring into our city, but the rest of the Nation is still suffering and seems that recovery is far from being achieved. I don’t want my blogs to be lengthy so I will divide this topic into several parts where I will share with you what I have learned by trading currencies, reading and studying the markets, getting coached by whom I consider the best in the business of trading commodities, my financial coach at AMR University, and of course real estate investments that I have analyzed and look safe. Hopefully many of you will benefit from my attempt and I really hope you’ll enjoy it.


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