Sunday, January 22, 2012

Testing Languages to defeat its barriers

Hello everyone ! 

I just heard from someone that knows a lot more than me about "blogging" and he suggested that a blog should never be written in another language other than English- I believe that I should try and see what kind of response a post gets by being written in other languages as well; the way I see it is that there are a lot of people out there in other countries that may understand english when they read it but doesn't mean that they wouldn't like to see a post in, Portuguese, French, Italian, Spanish or any other language they are comfortable with. So, I will translate my very first post about the movie "Margin Call" in Italian and Spanish (which are the other two languages I speak)- Please accept my apologies if you see something not written in English this is just a test to prove something, to make a point, I hope you'll understand- Thank you!

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